Stop cat from chewing clothing

    • My cat chews holes in my clothes,Also chews my bra straps actually any kind of straps or cords including charging cords. I was keeping him indoors except for daily walks on a long leash  until I felt he knew our boundaries, He would also attack me  and draw blood sometimes, it would start as play then he wouldn't stop!  Yet he would be very loving most of the time, I got him neutered at 8 months he is almost 10 months now! Just in the last  month I have been letting him out all day and he comes to me very faithfully through out the day when I call him , since he has been going outdoors everyday he hasn't chewed anything and only was aggressive once, he brings me lizards and snakes daily but he never hurts them only plays with them which I'm sure they would rather not do but that's nature! Do you think all that chewing and destruction and attacking me was just anxiety and frustration from being kept I'd  indoors? He constantly brought his toys for me to throw for him and he acted more like a dog even when on a leash he was like a dog. Now that he gets to be outside all day he doesn't play with his at all, very strange little guy, I've owned cats all my life but he definitely is one of a kind, He is all gray except one white spot on his chest, when the sun hits him just right I see Bengal rosettes on his sides, He was a free barn cat but he retrieves like my Bengals I had 10 years ago,I hope he is over his tantrums! I love him like a child,Do you think it was just him showing his frustrations by acting out? Thank you,

  • Hi there!

    My name is Linda, and I'm a vet working on this site. I'm sorry to hear about this issue.


    The concern here is that items like this can cause gut obstructions, particularly if the cat manages to swalllow strings or threads, which can cause the gut to 'telescope' in on itself. So we really want to stop this habit ASAP.


    The first step I'd take is to have all of these items he has been chewing hidden where he cannot access them inside cupboards or closde laundry hampers. We should leave nothing out.


    As the behaviour has improved significantly since being let out, it does sound like it was triggered by boredom, yes.


    We'd hope and expect that he continues to do well, now he is out and about and getting some fresh air and exercise!

  • Our Bengal also chews, and is drawn to wool, plastic and pool noodles in particular. She has eaten large portions of her cat cave, left a giant hole in a fedora, and chews the pool noodles that I used to keep my boots in shape. The most recent thing was eating one of the "bird" toys. All the feathers and the plastic part that attaches the feathers to the string. The piece caused an obstruction in her intestine and she stopped eating, was nauseaus and dry heaving for about 24+ hours. After an x-ray we could see a foriegn object lodged  in her small intestine. She had emergency surgery about two weeks ago and is recovering fast. But we had to buy a giant dog crate and make an appartment for her so she would just rest and not run or jump. She had a little onsie on  - with a hole for her tail. (Total cost for this was about 3,500.) So, yes, keep an eye on these Bengals - they have to be engaged with and stimulated  - or they will get frustrated and tear things up and eat them. 

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