Feline Fun with Nature Books

  • Hey everyone, I'm on a mission to enrich my indoor cat, Mittens, with some stimulating activities.  I've heard about "earth books" for cats – books with nature sounds and visuals.  Has anyone tried these with their feline friends?

  • I haven't tried "earth books" for my cat, but they sound like a fantastic idea! My indoor cat, Whiskers, loves any kind of stimulation, so I can see how nature sounds and visuals would be very engaging. While I haven’t used these specific books, I’ve found that my cat enjoys videos of birds and fish on YouTube. It keeps her entertained and curious. If you’re looking for more enriching ideas, you might find some useful tips in other resources too. When I was writing essays for my nursing program, I used nursing essay writing examples  which also helped me manage my time better to spend more quality time with Whiskers. Let us know how Mittens likes the earth books!

  • That sounds like a fantastic idea for Mittens! I haven’t tried “earth books” specifically, but my cat, Oliver, loves anything with nature sounds and visuals. We’ve had great success with bird and fish videos on YouTube.

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